Music Opinions

Put Your Phone Away At A Concert

You’re seeing your favorite band. You’re hearing your favorite song. You’re attending the best concert that has even taken place on the face of the earth. A woman in front of you takes out her phone. You think she might want to capture this beautiful moment, but no: she’s checking her email.

Unfortunately, such incidents are becoming more and more common. I am here today to convince you to leave your phone at home the next time you attend a concert.

Geeky Lifestyle

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

I understand you don’t come to this blog for fashion advice. Really, I do. I’d laugh in your face if you did, because my idea of fashion is matching the color of my sweatpants to my hoodie. But every once in a while, a fashion item comes along that hits the perfect intersection of stylishness and bookishness. In such cases, I cannot help but blog about it. Forgive me.


Geeky Lifestyle

The Perfect Potter Party

I turned twenty this January. Of course, twenty being the age of true maturity, I had to throw a Harry Potter-themed birthday party. In case you, at some point, reach the level of maturity where such a thing becomes an absolute necessity, here are some of the things I did to make the afternoon memorable.

Firstly, I printed Hogwarts Letters adapted to look like invitations onto parchment paper. I got the parchment and matching envelopes from Paperchase, and used this letter template. Additionally, I sealed all of the envelopes with wax and addressed them in green ink. I sent the invites through good old-fashioned snail mail. The result looked amazing, but I can’t share them with you because my personal address is on them.